Zone 2

In cardio exercise, there are different heart rate zones relative to your maximum heart rate.

Zones 0-1 are essentially your resting heart rate. Asleep. Sitting. Exertion-less. Wasteful. These are lazy zones. There is no progress. No growth. The exception is if you are here for recovery. In that case, Zone 1 is intentional. Purposeful. Short-lived and in preparation for future struggles.

Zone 2 is roughly 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate. It is steady. Not too easy, not too hard. This is the sweet spot for fitness. This is your flow. Here, you build foundation. You increase capacity. Your heart pumps and your lungs fill with fear of regret and with thoughts of your kids. Your core exists here. Your past and future exist here. As you push yourself to the upper edge of this heart rate, you wonder, am I ready? Am I good enough? What can my heart endure? The longer you spend in Zone 2, the more prepared you will be for what’s to come. Zone 2 is often neglected and unappreciated because it seems boring.

Zones 3 and up increase your heart rate in chunks of percentages until eventually you’re maxed out. This is anaerobic. Unsustainable. Painful. If you’re unfit or unprepared, you will be overwhelmed. Eventually, failure hits you hard. These zones aren’t to be avoided forever, though. Your fitness at every zone is critical to your health and you should want to test yourself. But we step into these zones with intention and awareness. Eyes open and deep breaths.

I suppose I’m at the age where mortality is on my mind. My health feels fragile. I’m aware my life can change in an instant and suddenly, it’s too late. I realize these zones exist not only in physical exercise, but also in being a father, husband, writer, sailor, or any other part of my life. I’m thoughtful to minimize my Zone 1 time with my kids. Zone 2 gives them safety, room to grow and experiment, and teaches them how to manage the higher zones in their lives when they inevitably come.

Creatively, Zone 2 is the grind, the day-to-day, putting in reps, where you slowly build a body of work that represents, good or bad, where you were at that time. It becomes routine, consistent, and in a good way. This newsletter is part of my Zone 2.

Take a moment to consider what zone your heart is in. Remember that fitness takes time, consistency, and intentionality. Prepare yourself for when the lactic acid has built up in your legs, your heart is pounding through your chest, and your lungs are on fire, and be resolved to know that everything is as it should be.



